Launched on July 6th of 2016, Pokémon GO was one of the fastest games to reach its level of popularity after launch. Though, after its initial launch, unable to handle the unexpected level of popularity it achieved, the game soon fell off the radar. The game has made small comebacks like their Halloween event or when Raids finally arrived. This is especially why comments like "the game is dead" are not entirely right and come off as "The U.S. is the center of the world!" when in actuality the game has been constantly growing.
While in the U.S. the active player base has been consistent and not making any sudden jumps upwards or down, the player base in Asia has been consistently on the uprising.

Remembering my first experience playing the game to how the game is actually like now, it feels like revisiting a childhood park after several years. There could be new equipment like a sandbox for children to play in.

And that was the case for Pokémon Go,
there were several new features like daily missions to Team Rocket's presence throughout the streets to more generations of Pokémon being added to the game. It is no surprise that the game has been continuously growing.